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Certificate in Financial Accounting System

Complete Course Information:

This course equips you with foundational computer skills and introduces you to accounting principles and a popular accounting software, Tally Prime.

1. Computer Fundamentals:

This section lays the groundwork for understanding computers and using them effectively. You’ll learn about:

  • Hardware: Components like CPU, RAM, Hard Drive, and their functions.
  • Software: Different types of software like operating systems and application programs.
  • Operating Systems: Introduction to Windows, the operating system you’ll be using throughout most of the course.
  • Basic Computer Operations: Learn to navigate the desktop, manage files and folders, and perform essential tasks.

2. Windows:

This section focuses on using the Windows operating system effectively. You’ll explore key components like:

  • a. Notepad: A simple text editor for creating and editing plain text documents. Learn to create, save, open, and format basic text files.
  • b. Paint: A basic drawing program for creating and editing images. Learn to create shapes, drawings, use colors, and save images in various formats.
  • c. Explorer: A file and folder management tool. Learn to organize files and folders, search for specific files, and customize folder views.
  • d. Control Panel: Access system settings for configuring display options, managing user accounts, and setting up network connections.

3. Microsoft Word:

This section introduces you to Microsoft Word, a powerful word processing application. You’ll learn to:

  • Create professional-looking documents with proper formatting for text, paragraphs, and pages.
  • Apply fonts, styles, and templates for presentation and consistency.
  • Enhance documents with images, tables, and charts for better visual representation.
  • Collaborate and share documents seamlessly with others.
See also  Certificate in Basic Computer Application

4. Microsoft PowerPoint:

This section covers Microsoft PowerPoint, a program for creating compelling presentations. You’ll learn to:

  • Develop presentations with engaging slides containing text, images, and videos.
  • Apply transitions and animations for smooth flow between slides.
  • Utilize speaker notes for presenting with confidence.
  • Share and deliver presentations effectively to your audience.

5. Understanding Accounting:

This section introduces you to the fundamental principles and concepts of accounting. You’ll gain an understanding of:

  • The accounting cycle: Recording, classifying, summarizing, and analyzing financial transactions.
  • Basic accounting principles like double-entry bookkeeping.
  • Financial statements: Balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement.
  • Accounting terminologies: Assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, and expenses.

6. Tally Prime:

This section focuses on Tally Prime, a popular accounting software. You’ll learn to:

Company Management: * a. Company Create, Modify, Delete: Create, modify, and delete company accounts in Tally Prime.Financial Statements: * d. Balance Sheet: Generate and understand the Balance Sheet, reflecting a company’s financial position at a specific point in time. * e. Profit & Loss A/C: Prepare and interpret the Profit and Loss Account, which shows a company’s profitability over a period.Transactions: * f. Voucher: Learn to create vouchers for various transactions like purchases, sales, payments, and receipts. * g. BRS (Bank Reconciliation Statement): Reconcile the bank statement with your company’s records to ensure accuracy. * h. Stock Maintain: Manage inventory levels and track stock items within Tally Prime. * i. Purchase Order, Bill, Challan: Create and manage purchase orders, bills, and challans for recording purchases. * j. Sales Order, Bill, Challan: Create and manage sales orders, bills, and challans for recording sales transactions.Taxation: * k. GST (State, Central, Integrated): Learn about the Goods and Services Tax (GST) system and how to handle it in Tally Prime, including calculating and recording state, central, and integrated taxes.Security: * l. Company Security Maintain: Set up and manage user accounts and access permissions to ensure data security within your company’s Tally Prime account.Backup & Restore: * m. Company Backup & Restore: Learn to create backups of your company’s data for security purposes and restore from backups if needed.Additional Topics: * n. TDS (Overview): Gain a basic understanding of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) and its treatment in Tally Prime. * o. Company Project: You might work on a practical project to apply your learned skills in Tally Prime to simulate real-world accounting

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